Friday evening (22nd March) proved to be very entertaining indeed. Due to cancelling an event that i had organised that evening i was coerced into attending a celebration Dark Side ...
Well, 2012! it rained, rained and then rained some more. Floods and hurricanes, New York nearly reduced to rubble and endless blunders by the criminal fraternity purporting to be ...
The world economic downturn is indeed a very scary thing and has without doubt cuased a lot of harm to many people, business and the arts. However, a slowing down of the economy can ...
It’s been an interesting week in not so Great Britain this week. Amidst drought conditions and government imposed hose pipe bans keyboard ace and sound friend Brendan ...
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Well, it may be just an age thing, it could well be down to personal choice? which ever way you like to listen to music though i am fast becoming firmly entrenched ...
Being as I am a person with an immunity system as safe as Alcatraz, it has come as a shock to me that in the past few weeks I have fallen victim to two devastating virus, one in ...
Two things reminded me lately of my own mortality. Firstly was the review of the very thought provoking album by Cosmograf "When Age Has Done It’s Duty and the other whilst ...